
Rejoice, pray, give thanks

Archive for the category “raising children”

The Village

African Proverb – It takes a village to raise a child.

Even though Hillary famously said it, it is still true. Proverbs are distilled wisdom. Many generations of people said it before Hillary did.

It is certainly true in my family. It has taken a large village to raise my children. We couldn’t have done it by ourselves. Below is a partial list of the members of our village in no particular order:

Jean Dohring, Ms. Graham, Brenda Carson, Ms. Jean, Beth Morgan, Ms. Hopkins, Kevin Gabrielse, Charlie and Becky Grimaldi, Dan and Karen Johnson, David and Julie Hinds, Mark and Lori Hinds, Tom and Deb Montgomery, Collie Cleaver, O’Deal and Leroy Hinds, Ms. Dilley, Anthony, Mindy Klein, Kristie Boone, Mr. Wier, David Britten, Peter Foote, Ms. Blanco, Mr. McKenna, Ms. Basham, Thresholds, the swimming teachers at Mary Free Bed, the riding instructors at the Equest Center for therapeutic riding,  the driving instructor at Mary Free Bed, and the list will continue as I think of more.

I am very thankful that you all have been part of our village. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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